Looking After Your Mental Health and Joint Pain

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Around one in four adults in the US have a diagnosable mental health disorder. Most people deal with more than one mental health issue simultaneously, making it even more challenging to cope with. Having poor mental health and arthritis is a challenging combination to deal with for anyone. However, there are steps you can take to make your life more enjoyable while experiencing less joint pain. This is something we will get into later. First, let’s go over the connection between mental health and joint pain.

mental health and joint pain

Mental Health and Arthritis

There is a two-way street when it comes to mental health and arthritis. Having arthritis could lead to developing a mental health disorder, while an existing mental health condition could become worse once arthritis develops.

In general, there is between two and ten times more depression and anxiety in people who have arthritis or some form of joint pain. People in this sort of situation experience pain more intensely than those who do not suffer from a mental health issue. What’s worse is that chronic joint pain will make issues like anxiety and depression even worse.

The toll mental health issues take on someone with arthritis is significant. They will be less motivated to seek out treatments that can benefit them by reducing their joint pain. They will also see an increase in the possibility of developing additional health issues. As you can see, it’s a detrimental cycle to get into that is very challenging to get out of.

It has become widely established now that people with arthritis, who also experience the most physical pain, will also be the most likely to experience a negative impact on their mental health. Living day after day with excruciating joint pain takes a toll on a person’s body and mind. Chronic stress can lead to major changes in the brain and nervous system, while also leading to other diseases. Stress hormones will quickly affect your mood, thinking, and behaviors. Where there is a disequilibrium between hormones and neurochemicals, depression is more likely to rear its head.

The greater depression someone with arthritis has, the worse the physical pain they experience becomes. It has the effect of reducing the ability to handle the pain. They will see their condition as being more negative than someone who also has the same condition, but is not depressed. This indicates just how powerful the mind is when it comes to a higher or lower pain threshold.

Depression plays a direct role in inflammation as well. It’s been noticed that people with depression are significantly more likely to have inflammation in places like their joints than people who are not depressed. In fact, a number of studies have recognized depression as being an inflammatory state. This is especially true for people who suffer from poor mental health and arthritis.

Experiencing inflammation on top of depression, and the lack of energy that comes with it can affect those suffering from arthritis significantly. On top of all of that, dealing with another health condition, such as diabetes, can simultaneously lead to a downward spiral. The lack of motivation leads to a lack of exercise, which is one of the main action steps someone dealing with poor mental health and arthritis could benefit from. Detrimental lifestyle changes lead to increased pain and a worse mood. This is why treating both arthritis and mental health problems is key to a happier life.

Maintaining Good Mental Health While Having Joint Pain

Mental health and joint pain are connected. That is why you should strive to maintain good mental health. When you do, you can actually reduce how painful your arthritis-related joint soreness is. Here are a few tips for improving your mental health and reducing joint pain.


Exercise is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your mental health and reduce your arthritis-related pain. It will get your body to produce endorphins and serotonin, both of which improve your mood. You will also be getting more restful sleep and feeling more energy throughout your day. Doing around half an hour of exercise five times a week is a great plan to start on. Stretching, yoga, and light workouts can all be helpful and instrumental in boosting your physical and mental health.

mental health and joint pain

Take a Joint Supplement

As mentioned earlier, a mental health condition like anxiety or depression can lead to more inflammation in the body. With arthritis already increasing the inflammation in your joints, it would be a good idea to take a joint supplement like JointFuel360. This potent and effective supplement contains powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ingredients that will keep any inflammation minimal. This is due to the turmeric, black pepper extract, and resveratrol it contains. Additionally, the included Boswellia serrata can reduce swelling in and around the joints.

Avoid Bad Habits

There are certain bad habits, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking illicit drugs, as well as abusing prescription drugs, that will worsen your mental health. This is especially true when you have arthritis. While not always easy, avoiding or stopping these bad habits will help reduce the negative effects of mental health conditions and arthritis. Having a strong support system, made up of friends and family, is a great way to reinforce a healthy lifestyle free from bad habits.

Wrapping Up

Poor mental health and arthritis are two things that go hand-in-hand for many people. It becomes a feedback loop, where poor mental health leads to worsening joint pain, and more arthritis-related pain leads to poor mental health. You now know what you can do to properly look after your mental health and ensure that you can live a life with minimal physical pain, while also enjoying a healthy state of mind. By exercising, taking a joint supplement, and avoiding bad habits, you will have taken three steps that will nearly guarantee that you will be able to enjoy your life more than before.

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