Self-Care Strategies for Joint Pain

by kristen

You need to put yourself first. Having healthy habits can help manage your joint pain. Self-care is a conscious act one takes to promote one’s own physical, emotional, and mental health. It can take place in many different forms. You can use many of these self-care strategies for joint pain relief. After you take the steps to take care of yourself, you will be able to live your best life.

A vast majority of people do not make self-care a priority. Life can get crazy, but you still need to put yourself first. There is a strong connection between your body and your mind. This should not feel like another item on your to-do list. We have broken it out into smaller self-care strategies for joint pain that will, in turn, allow you to be more in control.

self-care strategies for joint discomfort

Keep Moving

Physical activity helps with nearly all aspects of self-care. Not only does physical activity boost your endorphins and mood, but it can also be one of the best self-care strategies for joint pain. Physical activity helps reduce inflammation, relieve pain, keep your joints flexible, and strengthen your bones (only to name a few).

Even with a busy schedule, you should find the time to get moving at least 30 minutes every day. This does not need to be anything rigorous, but you should get your body moving. Gentle, light exercise can still make a big difference, reducing inflammation.

It is also recommended to aim for 30 minutes of cardio daily and weight training at least two times a week. Many of us get consumed sitting at a desk all day and then going home to sit on the couch and watch TV or scroll on our phones. 30 minutes a day is not long. You can do it!

Stick to a Schedule

Planning out your day and sticking to a schedule is a great way to stick with a routine. Writing everything down helps hold you accountable. It even helps to plan out your week before it even starts. Schedule in your meals, your sleep schedule, your water intake, exercise, and goals you want to accomplish. This will help you ensure you get everything accomplished that will help you feel better.

If you need to say no to events or gatherings that stretch you too thin, it’s okay! You need to put yourself first. Keep your routine simple and still leave time to be flexible. Just be sure to schedule out the self-care strategies for joint pain that will help you.


This is easier said than done to get a full night’s sleep, I know. Especially if you are feeling pain, it is harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. It is recommended to get 8 hours of sleep every night.

Here are 10 tips to help you get a good night’s rest:

  • Avoid consuming caffeine late in the day
  • Try to limit screen time before bed (reading a book is a great way to do this!)
  • Exercise during the day
  • Reduce the time you spend resting during the day or taking naps
  • Get on a consistent sleep schedule, going to sleep and waking up
  • Eliminate late night snacks
  • Take a relaxing bath or shower
  • Try a white noise machine
  • Invest in a good mattress
  • Don’t drink fluids right before bed
self-care strategies for joint discomfort

Talk to Someone

It may help to seek out a skilled professional that has experience working with people with joint pain. Talking to a mental health professional can help you to better understand why you experience your pain and find ways to cope with it. However, they do not need to be a skilled professional. Even talking to someone who you can relate to or help motivate you can assist. It can help to share and exchange ideas on what self-care strategies for pain that you use.

Stress Management

Stress is one thing that can trigger joint pain. One of the most popular self-care strategies for joint pain is to learn how to manage this stress. Whether it is meditation, practicing yoga, spending time with a pet, or listening to music, find what relieves your stress and make it a priority. Distracting yourself with an activity you truly enjoy can go a long way when it comes to managing your stress.

Consider Supplements

Health supplements are essential to keeping your immune system running smoothly and for your overall health. Inflammation is also one of the main causes of joint pain that can cause a lot of your self-care routines to get off course. The key is to make sure these supplements are 100% natural.

Many have been taking JointFuel360 since it combines a lot of natural ingredients to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. It includes turmeric and black pepper extract. When you combine turmeric with black pepper, it will have the most effective results in reducing inflammation. Furthermore, it includes Boswellia Serrata, Resveratrol, Hyaluronic Acid, and Type II Collagen.

Each of these ingredients is 100% natural and helps minimize pain. Adding a supplement to your daily routine is easy to do and can make a difference. Supplements are definitely something you should consider and always talk to your health professional about.

Wrapping Up

Putting yourself first can be hard to make time for, especially when your joint pain is slowing you down. When dealing with any health condition, self-care can help you manage the condition no matter what it may be. It does not have to be overwhelming.

Your self-care strategy for joint pain needs to be customized for you. The same strategy for one person might not work for the next. Everyone is different and has different needs. Once you implement a self-care strategy that works for you, you will find yourself feeling great.

Get moving 30 minutes every day. Stick to a schedule to hold yourself accountable. Ensure you are getting a good night’s sleep. Talk to someone that can help you, learn how to manage your stress, and consider supplements. Each of these tips can lead you a step in the right direction to finding what works best for you.

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