Joint Pain Treatment and Common Causes

by kristen

We all get older at some point, and with that come the aches in our joints. Tens of millions of people suffer from joint pain, sometimes to the point of the pain being debilitating. If only there was a way to get rid of this unfortunate side effect of getting older with joint pain treatment.

There just may be! The good news is that there are a few ways that you can at least minimize the pain so that it doesn’t interfere with your daily life. Now that would be sweet relief!

What exactly is this joint people keep talking about when they bend down with seething pain? In essence, a joint is what forms the connections between bones. These provide you with support and help you move around. If you didn’t have joints, you would not be doing much. Whenever your joints get inflamed or damaged, it can interfere with your ability to move around. The pain can become excruciating.

You owe it to yourself to learn about what causes joint pain and find a treatment method that works for you. When you keep reading, you are going to find out about the various joint pain causes and treatment options at your disposal.

joint discomfort causes and treatment

Common Causes of Joint Pain

There are several causes of joint pain. Here is what causes joint pain and why you may find yourself feeling this way.

Joint Injury

A joint injury is usually the most obvious reason why you would have joint pain. Did you fracture your ankle? That’s probably why you are feeling aches down there. When you get a joint injury, you can experience unwanted side effects such as bone bruising, bone remodeling, damage to surrounding structures, or even damage to cartilage.

You will definitely know if you got a joint injury if right after you directly experienced some physical trauma to a joint, it started hurting. A common reason is a rolled ankle while playing a sport or hiking. A joint injury can cause you misery for years in the form of osteoarthritis…and that is if it actually heals!

Joint Inflammation

You can get inflamed joints with a whole host of injuries, diseases, and infections. There’s something called the synovium that thickens when one of your joints becomes inflamed. Synovial fluid production rises and the joint capsule gets swollen. Next, you have circulating inflammatory cells moving into the joint issue. When your joints are inflamed, you will generally experience warm sensations in the affected joints, along with pain, stiffness, and redness.

Joint Infection

Invisible invaders of your body, germs, can travel through your body down to your joints. These bacteria, viruses, or fungi can spread to your joints more easily if you already have an existing infection. When this happens, you’re in a difficult situation. Germs don’t respect personal boundaries, so they will enter your body through your skin, nose, throat, ears, or an open wound without any issues.

If you have the misfortune of having an infected joint, infectious arthritis can potentially develop. With prompt treatment, this sort of arthritis usually goes away pretty quickly. However, if you ignore it and don’t treat it, the joint damage may become permanent.

joint pain causes and treatment

Joint Pain Treatments

You don’t have to suffer for the rest of your life because of pain in your joints.

Here are some of the best joint pain treatments you can try out right now to find that much-needed relief you are looking for. If you are wondering what helps joint pain, these are your best options. If you want to know how to reduce arthritis pain, read on.

Topical Agents

Applying topical agents can help give you relief for joint pain. One substance found in chili peppers called capsaicin may relieve the pain you’re feeling in your joints. This is because it blocks a substance that helps your body transmit signals to damaged areas. Capsaicin also triggers the release of feel-good body chemicals called endorphins. You may feel some temporary burning or stinging when you apply a capsaicin cream to an affected joint, but it’s only temporary.

Steroid Injections

If topical chilli pepper cream isn’t doing it for you, you may have to move onto steroid injections. These could also include a local anaesthetic. The doctor will poke you directly in the affected joint every three to four months.

This is an effective procedure, although the relief is usually temporary. Since we’re dealing with steroids here, there are also potential side effects. You may end up using your joint more than you should be, leading to further damage to it. Tread lightly!

Joint Supplements

Supplements abound for providing an effective treatment option for joint pain. The right supplements can help minimize or effectively provide the joint pain relief you are hoping to receive.

There are many supplements for joint pain. One powerful and effective joint treatment is the JointFuel360 supplement. This is a supplement which features a powerful all-natural formula that will help relieve those aches in your joints.

Joint Fuel 360 is packed with ingredients known to help treat joints. There’s turmeric, which helps relieve inflammation by lowering histamine levels in your body. There’s also black pepper, which can do more than just spice up your food. It can also reduce swelling and soreness in your joints. You also get the exotic-sounding boswellia serrata, which reduces swelling in your joints, and improves their flexibility. Resveratrol is also packed into this supplement, which helps cartilage from deteriorating. Two more things you get with this supplement are type II collagen and hyaluronic acid. If you are looking for an all-around helpful supplement for your joints, this is the one to get.

Get the Relief You Deserve

Now that you know why you have that sharp soreness in your joints and how to treat it, you should get going with taking care of your affected joints. The joint pain causes and treatment options laid out in this article will help you get the relief you need and help you avoid the development of a more permanent issue.

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